
Getting started on ]u[ Community

Welcome to ]u[ Ubiquity Community, your go-to meeting place for connecting with like-minded leaders in the open access community. The goal of the community is to provide a space for ]u[ Ubiquity service users to support one another and create opportunities for networking, mentorship, and sharing best practices. We encourage you to share your knowledge, ask questions, participate in discussions, and help make this community a really valuable place to be.

This 'Welcome' space is a great place to introduce yourself. Let us know where you work, what your role is, and feel free to share any other interests you have. It's also a great place to ask any questions you have about getting started on ]u[ Community.

Guidelines for Posting

Please be respectful of other community members. We are all coming from different backgrounds and different experiences. Let’s celebrate those differences by respecting them. All posts should be professional and courteous. Disagreements can be the spice of discussion, but please don’t attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle other community members.